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Goldthorpe Railway Embankment Mural

An ambitious 21m mural was painted by the community of Goldthorpe, commissioned as part of Dearne Community Arts' Festival 2021. The mural was designed remotely during lockdown and painted across 5 days with volunteers, utilising a collaborative 'paint by numbers' method to enable anyone to get involved. The mural completes the transformation of the redeveloped railway embankment into a beautiful community garden. 

Photos: Peter Davies



Our very grateful thanks go to Lydia Caprani, the artist who has steered us from having a vague idea about a painting on a wall to actually completing the art mural this week.

She has worked with children's ideas for a design, come up with a variety of designs before we settled on the final one and has waited patiently through the pandemic for a starting date for the project. Throughout, she has worked with quiet professionalism and good humour. I met her for the first time in person in August 2020 and it still amazes me that she managed to design the mural remotely based on photographs and measurements and had never actually been on site until this Monday. To achieve such a wonderful piece of art without having seen the site is quite remarkable, in my opinion.

We hope to work again with Lydia on future projects - watch this space for more news!

Dearne Valley Community Arts' Festival


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